Why do I need an asbestos survey?
Asbestos inspections/surveys are required for your protection. The asbestos inspection will help minimize your economic liability and health risks to occupants in your building or on the job site. Secondly, by obtaining an asbestos survey early in the process of a renovation or demolition of a project, the client will be able to avoid costly schedule delays of unforeseen asbestos hazards.
In 2002, Texas Senate Bill 509 was passed, which requires municipalities to verify that an asbestos survey had been conducted before issuing a permit for any renovation or demolition of a public or commercial building. All buildings that are to be renovated or demoed will need to have an asbestos survey no matter the age of the building. If the building is fifty years old or one-year-old, to obtain a permit you must obtain an asbestos survey. This survey MUST be performed by a state licensed individual and meet state mandated guidelines.
DCG is fully licensed and insured to comply with all federal and state regulations to meet your asbestos needs.
Contact DCG today for all your survey needs. Most surveys can be conducted within 24 hours of initial contact. Laboratory results can be received from the lab in 24-48 hours of the completion of the inspection.
Steps in conducting Inspection/Survey
- A DCG representative will meet with you to determine the scope of work of the project. This information includes size of area to be surveyed, number of homogenous areas that will need to be sampled and a timeline for final report. If the survey needs to be expedited, DCG can meet your needs.
- Once the scope of work has been determined the DCG representative will proceed with the inspection/survey. DCG will obtain samples, produce a sample location map, and document the condition of the materials that are being sampled. Once the samples have been collected, the samples will be taken to an accredited laboratory for analysis. Typical laboratory sample analysis is 5-7 days. For an expedited fee they can complete the analysis in 3-5 days or 24 hours. This depends on the number of samples taken during the survey.
- After the laboratory has analyzed the samples, the results will be sent to DCG. DCG will send the results to the client the same day they are received from the laboratory. If the results from all the samples are found to be “non-detect” of asbestos, DCG will forward the client a report that will explain steps taken to complete the survey. This document is what will be needed to obtain a permit to proceed with the renovation or demolition of the building.
What if Asbestos is found during the Inspection/Survey?
- DCG will produce a detailed report that will show all locations and quantities of materials that contain asbestos. From this report, DCG and the client will generate a plan of action to deal with the asbestos that has been found.
- Asbestos abatement contractors will be brought in to submit bids on the removal of the asbestos. DCG will work with the client to choose the contractor that will fit the task of the removal. We will look at duration, qualifications and price to make sure the client is getting the best value for their money.
- Once the abatement contractor has been selected the mandatory 10-day state notification will be submitted to the state. During the 10 days before the start of the project, DCG will write the specifications for the abatement project. DCG will also schedule the mandatory air-monitoring technicians that will be needed for the duration of the project.
- DCG will monitor the project daily to insure that all federal and state regulations are being followed. DCG’s number one concern is the liability of the client.
- At the completion of the abatement DCG will compile all the necessary documentation from the abatement contractor and the air-monitoring technician to complete the close out documentation for the client.